Supported Crops for Image Analysis


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Analysis Supported



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Analysis Supported


Crop cover GAI unhealthy crop weeds cover flowering fraction post-flowering ratios senescence % crop uniformityGrowth Stage

New plant/weed counting coming soon.

New Growth stage classification across all growth stages now live



  • Winter Wheat

  • Winter Barley

  • Spring Wheat

  • Spring Barley

  • Oats

  • Triticale

  • Rye

  • Cereals Mixed

  • Oilseed Crop

  • Cereals Other

plant cover


crop uniformity

Plant/Weed counting coming soon.

Then Ear counting!

  • Potatoes

  • Peas

  • Sugar beet

  • Maize

  • Soybeans

  • Corn

  • Parsnips

  • Squash

  • Pumpkins

  • Sunflower

  • Vegetables

  • Winter Beans

  • Spring Beans

  • Hemp

  • Watercress

  • Tobacco

  • Carrots

plant counting crop uniformity plant cover

weed counting

Crop plants and weeds per square meter and average for field


Other Crops:

  • Grass

  • Adzuki Beans

  • Flowers

  • Alfalfa

  • Sugarcane

  • Rice

  • Nuts

  • Winter Linseed

  • Spring Linseed

  • Broccoli

  • Tenderstem Broccoli

  • Lettuce

  • Celery 

  • Fodder Beet

  • Stubble Turnips

  • Cotton

  • Sorghum

  • Millet

  • Borage

  • Onions

  • Mint

  • Chives

  • Coriander

  • Flat Leaf Parsley

  • Curly Parsley

  • Basil

  • Dill

  • Fenugreek

  • Spinach

  • Baby Leaf Spinach

  • Baby Leaf Chard

  • Wild Rocket

plant cover

crop uniformity



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