• In progress
  • Using the Reports Portal

    The reports portal is designed to allow to view and filter all your field reports in one place:

    • View reports for each farm

    • See a summary of each flight/crop/field report
      You’ll see a heatmap for each, with crops stats below so you can tell what's happening at a glance.

    • View the full report

    • Download a PDF of the report

    • Filter reports by field, crop type and date
      See progress over time for a particular field or crop type across all fields.

    • Order reports by date and crop metrics
      Order the report summaries to see which fields and crops are performing best or worst, and which ones need your attention.

    • Add notes to reports
      Add notes to reports before sharing to give your analysis and feedback to others based on the report.




    video: Reports Portal Overview






    Need help?

    Contact us: https://www.skippy.farm/contact/

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