Flight Height Override (BETA)

Adjust drone flight and image capture height at your own risk
Drone flight is fast and overriding the flight height could lead to collisions - plan accordingly!

BETA - Use at your own risk


You can now override the drone flight height and image capture height, this is useful in flat, hazard free fields and trial plot sites where there is no risk of collision and you would prefer a more efficient flight.

In the Skippy Scout App, go to Settings → Advanced Settings → Enable Flight Altitude Setting

Here you will see options for:

  • Photo Capture Altitude
    This is the height above the crop the drone will capture scout images at.
    Note that image analysis may not work at height other than the default (usually 2m)

  • Flight Altitude
    This is the height above the drone take-off location that the drone will fly at between scout points.

Once you set an override for these, they will remain on and persistent for all flights until you turn them off or adjust - remember this!




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