How to use Skippy Scout
  • In progress
  • How to use Skippy Scout

    Skippy is a mobile app that can be downloaded for use on a smartphone.

    Skippy will automatically fly your drone to selected points in a field and send you high resolution, leaf level images and a whole field overview.

    Then Skippy analyses the captured images and sends you a field report, with % healthy crop, unhealthy crop, weeds and insect damage.

    The whole process takes minutes, not hours.


    You’ll need:

    • A compatible drone system
      Check out the list of compatible models, or contact us and we’ll sort you out!

    • An iOS or Android device
      The newer, the better, or some drone systems come with Android built-in


    1.1 Sign up to Skippy Scout

    Sign up for an account → Registration

    Or contact us and we’ll get it sorted for you

    Once signed up, you’ll get a QR code on-screen, its also emailed to you, keep it on-screen or be ready to access it, you’ll need it in step 1.3. Or take a photo of the QR code now with the device you’ll use for Skippy.

    1.2 Download the Skippy Scout app for your device


    1.3 Activate the app

    Open up the app and be sure to grant all the required permissions - Skippy needs access to your location, Bluetooth and photos to work properly.

    Then you’ll need to use your QR code to activate your account.

    You can scan the code with your device camera, or choose saved image of the QR code:

    Scan the code

    1. On another screen, get the code up on-screen
      Or print it!

    2. Choose ‘scan code’ on the Skippy Scout app

    3. Frame the QR code in the camera view
      You might need to move closer or further away to register it

    4. The app should now activate and start syncing your account.

    Use a saved code

    1. If you took a photo of the QR code already, nice. If not, open the email you received when you signed up on you device.

    2. Save the QR code image on your device.

    3. In the Skippy Scout app, ‘choose image from reel’

    4. Select the QR code image and the ap should activate and sync your account.

    Having issues? You might need a new QR code for some reason, login to your account (https://client.skippy.farm/) and go to ‘Activate new device’ to see a new code, and try that!

    2.1 Add your first Farm and Field

    1. Open the app and choose ‘Map

    2. Tap ‘add new field

    3. Tap the field you’d like to add on the map

    4. Choose ‘Create Field

    5. Type the name of the farm this field belongs to
      Or if you already added the farm, choose ‘select farm from list’

    6. Type the Field name

    7. Choose ‘Save
      If you’re in England we’ll get the field boundary from our database
      If not, you’ll need to draw the boundary
      You can also import many field boundaries at once if you have them in other software via our web portal

    8. You can edit the boundary if needed or re-draw it, otherwise choose ‘save boundary

    9. Next, ‘select crop type’ that is growing in the field

    10. Then, add the planting date for this crop and choose ‘Set Crop

    11. Optionally